Discover Inactive Console Users

Discover IAM users who haven’t used the console over a certain period.

Source codePermissions

Users who have never used the console but have console access enabled are also returned.

This action only checks console activity. To check console and programmatic (access key) activity, use Discover Inactive Users instead.



Parameter Description Type Required Default value
threshold_days Get users with last console sign-in over this number of days int Yes None
region Region for operation string No Session default
debug Increase log verbosity bool No False
silent Decrease log verbosity bool No False
output Output format
string No None
session Established session object No None


Returns a list of dictionaries of discovered users:

[{"UserName": "string"}]


Discover users who haven’t used the console for more than 30 days:

aaws iam discover_inactive_console_users --threshold_days 30