Share Snapshots

Share EC2 snapshots with other accounts.

Source codePermissions

If sharing encrypted snapshots with another account, ensure the KMS key is shared with the target account.
Share a custom key with another account

If snapshots are encrypted with AWS managed key, create copies with a custom key and share the copies.
Copy Snapshots



Parameter Description Type Required Default Value
snapshot_ids List of EC2 snapshots to move list(string) Yes None
target_account Target account for the snapshots string Yes None
region Region for operation. Leave blank for session default string No Session Default
debug Increase log verbosity bool No False
silent Decrease log verbosity bool No False
output Output format
string No None
session Established session object No None


Returns a list of successfully shared snapshots:

['snap-1234567890abcdef0', 'snap-abcdef1234567890']


Share snapshots with account 123456789012:

aaws ec2 share_snapshots --snapshot_ids snap-1234567890abcdef0 snap-abcdef1234567890 --target_account 123456789012 --region eu-west-2