Modify Volumes

Change the Size, Type or IOPS of EBS volumes.

Source codePermissions

You must wait 6 hours after modifying a volume before you can modify it again.

Snapshots can be created before modification if snapshot is supplied.

If increasing the size of a volume ensure to extend the server file system.
Linux | Windows



Parameter Description Type Required Default Value
volume_ids List of Volume IDs to modify list(string) Yes None
snapshot Create snapshots before modification bool No False
size New size (GB) for volumes int No None
type New type for volumes
gp2, gp3, io1, io2, st1, sc1, standard
string No None
iops New IOPS for volumes int No None
region Region for operation. Leave blank for session default string No Session Default
debug Increase log verbosity bool No False
silent Decrease log verbosity bool No False
output Output format
string No None
session Established session object No None


Returns a list of modified volume IDs:

['vol-1234567890abcdef0', 'vol-abcdef1234567890']


Change the size, type and iops of volumes with pre-modification snapshots:

aaws ec2 modify_volumes --volume_ids vol-1234567890abcdef0 vol-abcdef1234567890 --size 100 --type gp3 --iops 3000